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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Writing & Russian Dolls

So far January has me on a good creative kick.  Been doing some drawing, painting & collage. All fun. The other day I made myself try to focus to do some writing.  For about the past 3 years it's been on my brain to write a book.  So if you have something that keeps coming up in your thoughts to do, & doesn't go away, I take it to mean you should go for it.  So I sat, in a semi-quiet house(2 of the 3 kids were gone) & I stared at the blank page. Darn it, I wish my hand could magically write :)  Sometimes the problem isn't that you don't have an idea, it's that you have too many & they are swirling around your head & you wonder which to incorporate, which to leave for another story.  Anyway, I wrote for a couple hours, with quite a few interruptions from my little guy Cody, doing sneak attacks on me with a makeshift toy gun.  I can see why writers go away to a secluded place like a cabin to concentrate!  So I got only a few pages written & if I go back & look at them now, who knows if I will even like them, or maybe I'll wonder what was going on in my head.  I've decided that, Hemingway I am not!  Ha ha.  But at least I feel like I have a general direction for my story that is a little progress.
In my art I've been a little enamored by nesting dolls lately & have been making my own version of them. They are in the photos below. Today I have my my hands back in the clay again, so more to show soon. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


A whole other set of 365 precious days lie ahead.  I don't want them to be wasted by grumbling, regretting, worrying....or any of those things that sap joy from us. I want to be present, in the moment more.  I want to do more things that scare me, & that challenge me, because in those times I feel most alive.  I'm ready.

Have a wonderful new year full of possibilities! Cheers!