I had this big chunk written here, nothing profound or anything. Just about these two, & how I hope they will continue to grow into open minded & loving people. About not wanting them to fall into the stuff that so many girls do, when they don't value themselves. But I erased it all, because it's one of those days I feel I really don't have my shit together, & I feel like a 15 year old a lot of times(today) just trying to be okay with me. Anyway, trying to be transparent enough for them(probably erring on the side of too much), & always there to listen/talk, & letting them have their own ideas about life & what they believe. I'm hoping that will help them on their way to be being balanced people...not that there's a magic formula :)
A picture I took for Earth Day above, with a little pot I painted.
I had been looking at Yoga poses on Instagram the other day. So I workout a lot, but feel like an elderly person when it comes to flexibilty. Anyway, on this particular day I was practicing my Crow pose & could barely keep my feet off the ground for two seconds. Then of course my husband gets down on the floor & does it on his first try! Jerk :)
Recent Paper Clay bird lady. She is about 6 1/2 inches tall.
This is an older painting of mine. It used to have a plain background & every day I'd look at it & think it needed more color, so I finally added to it. Apparently I'm really into this Mustardy-Gold color & dark grey...I realized the Bird sculpture & this painting are pretty much the same colors.