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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

5 Christmas's, 3 Days

Ahhh, another Christmas over....all that build up, & it seems it's over pretty quickly. Probably  because of being busy, busy, going from this house to that. We've had several Christmas celebrations in the last few days. Here are some of the photos:

Cody with new cousin Audrey

With Grandpa Rick
At Uncle Larry's & Aunt Monica's
With Gigi, a good family friend(my church high school counselor too)
Modeling some new clothes
New Nerf gun, so Cody can play with Dad
My friend passed down her son's bike to Cody(a great present)

A present I gifted myself with

Grandma & Grandpa's house
Looking at the little village at Aunt Lindy's

If you are reading this, out there in Blogger land...hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Awhile back I mentioned my project I had going, of trying to customize my first Blythe doll.  Well, she is done, & I am happy she came out of all her little procedures looking like she does now...since there were times I was thinking she'd never be done, or I was afraid I would ruin her. Opening the dolls head & changing the eyes was a little scary this first time.  Now I have a little experience under my belt for the next one.  Anyway, here she is...quite lovely I think.


                                                    Coloring her hair
                                   Removing the eyechips


                                           Face carved, new makeup on


                                       Ta-da, all finished.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Hi there.  Just showing a little mixed media painting I finished the other day. I named her Esme. She has a paper hat, that is made of a picture of an old type writer.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Merry, Merry.  Here are a few photos from our December, so far....

Finding our tree.
My friend colored my hair dark for me.  I like it, but it is taking time to get used to...sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself, & am surprised not to see red hair.

Excited for the Father Daughter dance.
                                           Love the trees in this shop window

Santa Monica Mall

Santa Monica Christmas Run(5K)...Sage did great, only stopped a  couple seconds to walk.