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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Plate Of Fettucini

We returned from our first little trip, this past weekend, to Palm Springs.  It's always a fun opener to the rest of Summer.  I was a little worried about Cody around the pool, since he believes his swimming skills to be far greater then they actually are!  We loaded him up with plenty of floatation though, & he was good to go. 

It's always good to catch up with friends, & unwind for a few days!  Ahhhh but here comes the glass half empty part.  I was thinking, as I was eating one of my mayo-less, cheese-less veggie burgers on the trip.....WHY do I do this?  I don't even look terribly fit.  I  look around & I see people eating appetizers, whatever they want through out the day, & here's the kicker.....they don't seem to feel guilty! Not guilty about the animals, not about the calories, nada.  Sometimes I wish I had a little of that.  Basically, I sometimes wish I could just eat an occasional plate of Fettucini with Alfredo Sauce(which is not healthy in the least),  & not feel one iota of guilt. Ha ha.  Ok, done with my rant....& I'm not going back to dairy(except for my occasional bites of chocolate I sneak).

So I guess it's about being kind to yourself, giving yourself grace....not comparing yourself to the woman with 3% body fat across the pool.  Hmmm, I'm learning :)


That is all for today.  We have a busy Summer ahead of us, A few camping trips to come.  I have a bike race in Long Beach coming up, in a couple weeks.  Will have some new art work to show soon!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Oh, Patchy!

Hellooooo.   This past weekend was my art festival, in Long Beach, the Patchwork Festival.  I say "my" as if I owned the place, or I put it on.....which I didn't.  I think it is always a big thing for me, & I have to kind of gear myself up for it.  Cause I am not always good at putting myself out there, & when you have your creations that you poured your heart into, believe me, you are out there.  Out there for comments good & bad....mostly good, thankfully!   Because I don't have the really thick skin I sometimes pretend to have :)

Anyway, it was a good experience to do it. I like hearing that my stuff is unique, & different then a lot out there. There were so many awesome vendors, I had to reign myself in, & not spend all my earnings there. Some friends came by to visit.  One even brought me some Vegan cookies.  Thankful for my husband who sat there all day by my side....good company!

Our site was just supposed to be a 4 x 6 ft. size.  Ha ha...Our table looked a little tiny compared to some of the bigger set ups. 
                    Some new creations.  This girl above sold at Patchwork.

                               My love affair with Blythe dolls continues :)

So I hope to have some new Summer creations out soon, in this end of the school year craziness.  BTW, I was mentioned in this lovely art blog  TwoHandDesign .... very awesome!