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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Adventure Awaits?

Sometimes I could flip a coin on decisions & go either way.  We had news a few weeks ago, that the husband guy was going to be laid off(along with a lot of other peeps) at the end of March.  Soooo, the good thing is at least there is some advanced warning!  I'm not one to freak out over things like this too much, because it is what it is, & in the grand scheme of things it's not that major.  Although, I did have a moment where my stomach dropped, & felt a little anxious when I first found out.  Anyway, in looking for a new job, we are finding that a lot of the computer/tech jobs are either up in Northern Cali....or all the way in Oregon or Washington. Hmmmm.  Interesting since we have toyed with the idea in our heads about maybe one day moving up that way.  Maybe it's been more my fantasy then his.  In my head, I see myself hanging out with my fellow Vegans & Vegetarians, walking on trails with trees all over, I have a small circle of artsy friends....did I mention I have dreads in my little scenario?  :)  But actually, I have no clue what it would be like. The Pessimist in me, reminds myself that it's taken years for me to develop some close friends here.  I could move & be the lonely girl who goes crazy because the sun never comes out.  You never know.  So all these thoughts swirling, because he is also now finding a few positions right around here, that he might like.  All of these "what if's" about moving could be all for naught.  I keep thinking should we do the less predictable kind of scary thing, & go for it & get out of dodge? Or will we end up staying in our routine here?  I can see advantages to both.  So it's kind of exciting, in a weird way....but I don't which path is best.

Here is some art I've been working on lately.

I was getting sick of the painting I had over my couch & decided to paint over it.

Frida doll & Frida daughter below

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Party's Over

Well, it is back to my normal life after 4 days of go, go, go....which was great fun!  My lifelong friend, Jennifer, came & stayed with us for 3 days. She came all the way from Nebraska, for my 40th birthday.  I was surprised when she called to tell me she was flying here to see me & celebrate with us :)

Here is some of the last few days. First I'll start out with the slightly strange one...

Why, the pic sans clothing, you ask?  I can't explain it all right here, you'd have to live in my head. But basically I've always had hang ups about how I look, & my weight, getting older, la la la.  So I've been working past that.  I really don't want to care about that stuff anymore. 40 is a milestone, might as well do crazy things that I want to do, right? Which sometimes means being naked, holding a sign on top of a hill, & freezing your ass off :)

Out on the town with Jennifer

My bowling party with some great friends

Winding down the weekend with my parents & brother....

Having trouble all looking at the camera at the same time :)