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Monday, January 9, 2012

A New Leaf

I was formulating some ideas for a blog post, in my head though out the day.  You see I was feeling all good, & un-jaded, going about my tasks today.  I've been out running a lot lately, & feel good about that. Bought myself two new pairs of running shoes for my treks...have been eating a little better.  New art in the works.  You get the picture.  I was telling myself, I had kind of turned over a new leaf(just a little)...same Aimie, only the new & improved model. 

But old habits die hard, & with one email(& phone call), this new, all is right with the world Aimie, came back down to earth.  So now I feel like the title of my post should really be " Girl Scouts Make Me Want To Scream".  Ha ha. See I have been trying to be a Leader, & form a troop for my daughter to be in since September.  The irony is, it was never my dream to be a girl scout leader...not even on my radar.  But you see, my daughter Sage really wanted to do it, & I want her to get to experience the whole thing, if that's what she wants.  So I went to that fateful meeting, & no one else would step up & lead, so I said yes.  I don't even have a place for them to meet(too many pets & chaos here),  or someone to watch my son, while we meet.  But anyway, I got my background check, watched online videos, went to training.  So since September, I have been waiting for a co-leader, by law I can't lead without a co-leader who has gone through the background check too, had the training, etc.  I was told someone finally stepped up, Yay!  More waiting, I checked on it, & was told the person was getting background checked.  Didn't hear anything, & checked on the status again...heard nothing.  So I decided to put the whole thing on hold until the holidays were over.  Anyway, just heard the person who was going to co-lead didn't pass their background check, so can't help me.  Back to square one.  Hmmmm...but yet I am supposed to have a parent meeting anyway, & try to get someone to step up & help.  Right this minute I am feeling like my heart isn't in it at all.  I was nervous about doing the whole thing in the first place, & now I am getting a little anxious just thinking about all the details that need to be sorted out.  Ahhh, taking a breath here.

So anyway, I guess my whole "new leaf" thing gave way to a Girl Scout rant :)  It's funny how little things can sometimes knock us off course.  I am trying to not let them so much, trying not to let things get me down.  Anyway, I leave you with some new art I finished today...

1 comment:

  1. Aimie I do hope someone steps up to the plate. I really do. My husband came home the other day with three boxes of Girl Scout cookies. Then my son bouht three more boxes. They absolutely love em.
