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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bohemian Blythe

Just sharing a little something I made yesterday.  It's a picture of one of my Blythe dolls, & I added some paint to the hair with a dry brush.  She is in a shadow box, with various embellishments...I really like the little pocket watch that you can put pictures in.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Tree

 I am stalling a little on getting any cooking started yet. Relaxing some, & also trying to give myself a pep talk into taking a morning jog. We'll see about that one!  But it's not like I will be spending hours in the kitchen, since we are going to my aunt & uncles today, & just bringing a few dishes with us to share. 

Last night we added some leaves to our little painted Manzanita tree, & shared what we were thankful about this year.  I am thankful for so many big things in life, like the experiences I've had...the good & even the bad, because I know I am learning from it all.  Thankful for this family I have been allowed to have, & for friendships.  Thankful for all the little things, & the things I take for granted, day in & day out, but are really gifts.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 16, 2012


I've always collected little interesting or pretty objects. I think it all started with shells when I was young.  My aunt (who is an artist too), had a beautiful shell collection in her house, in little display cases & I remember loving to look at her things.  Now I have kind of traded in the shell collecting(still have a few), for some other little objects...

Here are my new guys above....two little brothers from the 1800's.  These are Tintype pictures.

So I really love objects that have a history to them, that have a story.  I wonder how many hands they have passed through, etc.  One of the things my daughter Sage asked for Christmas was old coins.  I am happy to oblige since I like them too.  I got her an Indian Red Cent from the late 1800's to start her off.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pow Wow

 Happy November!  It hardly seems very Fall-ish here in our part of's been upper 80's to 90 degrees lately.  Oh well, that is what I love about this place too, being able to wear shorts pretty much all year.  

There is this place for sale, I have been day dreaming about some, pretty near us.  So I could keep my warm weather, but it is farther in the canyon from more land & I could have my animals.  It's an old house, made of stone & the locals refer to it as "the castle".  Needs renovating, which is cool...I am picturing a really lovely art studio, some chicken coops, a garden.  The husband man & I were taking a drive in the canyon this past weekend(just us), cause our kids were away with my folks, so we could be kid-less for our 12th Anniversary & saw my new homestead(I wish).

Have been working on a new painting, because my walls are kind of bare.  I am grateful to have sold 2 paintings last week, yay!  It's funny, sometimes just when I start to doubt my work a little someone comes along & wants to get something, or gives me a really great compliment.  Last night this man wrote to me,  & told me how much he loves my nice!  Still working on my custom Blythe doll...that girl is somewhat time consuming, & I feel like I don't have much to devote to her makeover right now.  I'm hoping to debut her before the holidays.

                     Indian Pow Wow scene on my mantle


New Art in the works
Love this crazy/wordy quote...had to put it up in our place.  I feel like this quote truly get's me!  Ha ha