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Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The weather here is going a little crazy, it was super cold last week....I mean freezing for So. California.  Now it is back where I like it, shorts & tank top in January.  This past weekend we hit the beach, it was such a great day, I had to go.  Normally, I'm not too much of a beach person. But I decided I think I like it better in the off season!

I was able to get a jump start on a few creations this weekend too.  Was hanging out with some friends, who were all making some really neat crocheted things(I need to pick that up again)....& we were sipping some cocktails while we worked.  I was embroidering a few things, & made this girl below.  Maybe the Malibu Rum helped get the creative juices flowing?

Also, finished the girl on my wall at home that I had started awhile back.  So I shall post some pics:

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Angel Lady

Usually if I find an interesting little trinket, that catches my eye, I  save it cause I know I'll try & build an art piece around it somewhere down the road.  This time is happened to be a lovely shaped brown beer bottle from a restaurant, & this mixed media creation was born. 

So it kind of turned out a little angelic looking, don't you think?  I thought she needed something on her upper portion, her brown glass was a little naked, so I found this wood piece that looks somewhat like wings. I kind of picture her belonging in a home, you know with one of those ladies who has Angel decorations all over her house...& maybe 5 or 6 cats.  Only joking :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year: Day 2

Looking back over what I wanted to accomplish last year, I realized a little something(ok, maybe I already was aware)....I lack discipline.  I wanted to write & illustrate a little book, but apparently I was hoping it would magically appear on paper.  I have the ideas swirling in my head, but when it comes to sitting down in a quiet place &  actually putting pen to paper(or fingers to keyboard), it's pretty hard to focus.  Maybe this is why I found it hard to concentrate on my studies in school?  Excuses, excuses. Anyway, I think if I want it bad enough, I will make it happen. 

I have some goals for myself this year, I think the big ones have to do with my thinking, which can be a hard thing to change, & is a continual process.  I  really want to be ok with my age & my looks. I feel like I've gotten more accepting of myself, but still have a long way to go.  I want to be ok with turning 39 I will be working on that!  I also would like to clean up my language, which can not be so great when I get angry or upset.  I want my words to be kinder & match what is in my heart(most of the time :) Those are a few of things I will be working on in the coming 12 months.  Excited to do some new races this year...running, biking...a little swimming.  New things to create.  2013 will be awesome!

Have a very Happy New Year!

Love this:
I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart---Vincent Van Gogh