Hello, almost mid-way through December here...thought I should write. We've been enjoying being out & doing all the Christmasy things like parties, making treats, & picking out special gifts for people(not done with that yet). Love this season, & seeing it through my kid's eyes. I've been working on a few more nativity sets, since my first one sold & now resides in Tennessee.
Amidst all the craziness, & fun this time of year...I just did my first Olympic distance Triathlon with my friend Susan, this past weekend. Phew! It's over & I survived the swim! I've done a little shorter distance ones in the past, so at least I kind of knew what I was getting into. The swimming part of it is quite a challenge for me, just to keep swimming & not panic in the water, while arms & legs are kicking past you & sometimes on you. All in all, it was a a great time. There is something about racing that is addicting, so I will be back for more :)