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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Oh My Deer

Hello there.

I am just showing off a little change in my bedroom, which makes me happy. New grey wall to display my new woodland friend. I have to say I've always had kind of an affinity towards taxidermy pieces. But they make me sad too. So given my non-hunting ways,
& love of all creatures.... a resin deer mounted on my wall seems fitting.


Made by White Faux Taxidermy

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Wow Christmas, it came & went so fast! Loved seeing my kids beaming faces when they were surprised with something they really wanted, & also the little unexpected gifts they didn't know they wanted until they were opened. A stuffed Llama my husband & I picked up in San Francisco, made a big hit with our daughter India.  Loved seeing aunts, uncles, cousins that we don't get to see that often anymore.  Although(sidenote), I noticed I seemed to develop an eye twitch on all 3 occasions I was with a lot of people/family at Christmas gatherings. Ha ha. I wonder what that means?

Today there is a lot of sorting & shoveling going on here at my place.  To make room for the new, a lot of the old has to go! I don't like clutter, yet somehow I have amassed quite a collection.  I think my family may have tendencies to cross over from being slight clutterbugs, to being full time hoarders. Yikes! So I've been supervising the chucking & recycling of a rather impressive mountain of things.

So another Christmas is under our belt. I'm feeling that life is going mighty fast & things are forever changing....seeing extended family always reminds me of that.  Grandparents that are no longer at the gatherings, new marriages, my once little cousins(now in their late twenties) having babies. Crazy. Someday I'll be sitting around a table celebrating Christmas with my own grown up kids.  But not quite yet :)

Yay! Christmas cards
A few of my fur children
A burping Pug...lovely
New hat
Llama friend
My aunt's place...I like how she decorates
One of my favorite little things my husband gave me this Christmas.  Love the artist: Pretty Little Thieves

Monday, December 16, 2013

Suck It Up Buttercup

Hello there.  I've been working on this girl lately & finally got her how I wanted her to look....she has a bit of a defiant look about her, I think :) She was made with acrylics, watercolors, & paper, on a wood panel.

Soooo, nothing to do with painting, & completely ridiculous I know, but lately I've been having these nightly dreams about turning 40. About 7 weeks left until the day.  I know, get a real problem, right?  But the truth is, obviously it bothers me.  I try to not dwell on it, to push it aside, & yet it keeps coming up in my sleeping hours! To be real honest here...I want to be okay with getting older, but it sometimes scares the holy hell out of me. For a person(like a lot of us women) who is pretty hard on her appearance anyway, & for so much of life felt like I haven't measured up, throwing wrinkles into the equation is just wrong! Sometimes I look in the mirror & there would never be enough money to tweak all the things I think need to be nipped & tucked!  But there are also days, the good ones, when I am a little kinder to myself.  I remind myself not to compare....I'm not 25 anymore, for petes sake!  I am grateful for my years & all that makes me my unique self.  So now I feel a little exposed, rethinking my words a bit(but no one held a gun to my head & made me write this). It's all good, I am okay with hanging it all out there, so to speak.  There's something freeing about just saying, "hey this is me & & some of the lame things I struggle with".  If you can relate, my compadre, I'm giving you the proverbial fist-bump right now :)  

Thursday, December 12, 2013

About Time

Hello, almost mid-way through December here...thought I should write.  We've been enjoying being out & doing all the Christmasy things like parties, making treats, & picking out special gifts for people(not done with that yet). Love this season, & seeing it through my kid's eyes.  I've been working on a few more nativity sets, since my first one sold & now resides in Tennessee.  

Amidst all the craziness, & fun this time of year...I just did my first Olympic distance Triathlon with my friend Susan, this past weekend. Phew!  It's over & I survived the swim! I've done a little shorter distance ones in the past, so at least I kind of knew what I was getting into. The swimming part of it is quite a challenge for me, just to keep swimming & not panic in the water, while arms & legs are kicking past you & sometimes on you.  All in all, it was a a great time. There is something about racing that is addicting, so I will be back for more :)