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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Vacation Almost

June. The days are lingering longer, I'm happy about that.  Just a few more weeks until school is out & we hit the freedom of the open road.  In other words, hours on end of family time, crammed together in a car. We are headed first to Wilsonville, OR(a suburb of Portland) to stay with one of my favorite friends.  After a few days, & I'm sure wearing out our welcome at their place, we are headed to Olympia, WA. to visit 2 of the husband-man's sisters & families.  On the way back home from all that, the plan is to stop for a couple nights in San Francisco.

I'm hoping to scope out a few areas in our travels, especially Portland area...look at a few houses for sale, just to see what's there.  We are talking in the next year or so about trying to buy a place, or possibly build.  My main requirement is land.  I'm not a lady who cares about fancy kitchens, or walk-in closets.  I need dirt to work in, I need trees.  So we always go back & forth about trying to stay in sunny Southern California, where the prices are unfortunately sky high, or moving up north & getting way more for the money....but living in the dreaded rain.

Anyway, but I am getting ahead of myself.  For now I'm just looking forward to an end of some school year obligations, & the adventure of not feeling as tied down to a schedule(I know it sounds pretty wild). ha ha

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