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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall colors where are you?

Hello.  We went on our annual trip to Oak Glen (which is an apple picking place), this weekend.  Actually we don't usually pick apples, we eat lunch, look in shops, & then buy a bag of apples all nicely packaged up for us.  This place is fun to go to, & it is a little over an hours drive from us, so it makes for a good day trip.

It was still pretty out, but I have to say I was a little teeny tiny bit bummed or maybe a little more...the trees hadn't really changed colors yet.  I think it's been too warm. I like to pretend I'm in Vermont when I'm at this place, with all the pretty trees & the crisp air.  This time I was baking in my jeans.  Oh well, there is always next year :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Sometimes I name my art dolls interesting names, that in my head I think I should have been named.  I am drawn to names Wren, Skye, Merritt...maybe even Aubrey.  They are definitely a little more exciting then Amy Lyn(sorry parents).  I've tried to spice mine up, by changing the spelling of my first name to Aimie....been spelling it like that for many moons now.

So this is my new girl: Merritt.  I just finished her awhile ago today.  She is made of clay, face is painted with acrylics & watercolors.  Her hair is fabric, that has been sealed, & has a bird & paper feather in it.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Don't Usually Hang Out In Cemeteries...

Our weekend started out with  Sage & India's school Fall Fair. We all had a good time...well I don't know about Richard.  I had signed him up to be a volunteer for Bingo, which I thought was going to be a kid's game, in a booth outside.  Turns out it he was calling out numbers, for an hour inside one of the school buildings, with a few die-hard Bingo players :)  He is a better sport than me, I have to say.

The Fair had a reptile room. This is Sage & her friend Anna, with a slithery friend.

Yesterday, we went to a Day Of The Dead celebration at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery.  As far  as cemeteries go, this is a pretty neat one.  They have a lot of ornate tombstones, & the grounds are really cool.  People had their elaborate alters set up to honor their loved ones...there were some quite pretty ones.  It was interesting to see how they decorated it with the things the people loved while they were living. You could tell if the person was an artist or a musician, while they were alive.  One guy had Bud Light beer & Top Ramen soup surrounding his picture.  Made me wonder what the peeps in my life would say I loved....animals, trees, art, dolls, diet pepsi, veggie burgers???

This little alter caught my eye. The little Bulldog reminded me of my Yoda & Snowball.  I miss them both.
I put some makeup on my brother(kind of like when we were kids). ha ha
This is Johnny Ramone's ginormous headstone.
So I have to say, I really loved this festival.  The art, the music, good Mexican food, & of course little goodies to buy, to remember the time we had.  It seemed a little weird at first, to be hanging out in a cemetery(although it is a fitting place for this celebration)!  Anyway, I will definitely try to go again next year.
Brought these back for my girls.
Also, here is India with her Day Of The Dead makeup on.  Both my girls wanted their faces made up, but thought they would be too scared to go to the festival(smart kids).  They went to Grandpa & Grandma's instead.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Well, it has been 1 year since I began this whole blogging adventure.  Wasn't sure I'd like it at first, or how long I'd last.  But I have to say, I rather enjoy it,  getting some thoughts out there, sharing my art.  It's cool to look back & see things my family has done too. I think the reason I hesitated a little at first(about diving into the blog thing) is I don't like to be taken the wrong way, & I think once you throw something out in writing, or what have you, people form opinions about you, usually filtered through their own lens, their own life experiences, etc. But I have realized that happens no matter what, it happens when you're talking to someone in person even. There's no stopping it, some people get you & some don't.  I think these late 30's are great(in some ways),  I find I care less & less about that kind of thing, cause I am good with who I am, what I stand for....& all that jazz.  So I am going to write on!

P.S. Now I am analyzing this stinkin' paragraph over & over & thinking "did I sound too this way or that"..."should I explain myself more, so I don't sound like a weirdo". Issues, I tell you , issues :)

On another note...look at my creepy picture. I was practicing my Day Of The Dead makeup for something I am doing this weekend.  More about that in a couple days :) Adios!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Television Abstract

Been trying to make things here & there.  I took a break from making my clay dolls, & was working on these little things below.  I used a photo print of my doll(s) in them.  Also our TV was on the fritz the other day, & it was making all these interesting pretty colors on the screen, so of course I had to grab my camera before the satellite man came to fix it.  Turns out I used some of the colored TV picture, in my art.

They have lots of fun things to paint & decorate, like this little wooden shrine above, at Artchix Studio.  I think I'll have to order more.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Adventures Of A Soda Junkie

Holy Jeez, I made it!  Cody & I just got back from one of the hottest walks ever.  All because I was on a quest for my daily diet soda, & my car is in the shop.  I live at the top of some very hilly hills & it happens to be near 100 degrees today (crazy Oct. weather in Ca)....anyway, I wasn't about to let that stop me.  
A little impromptu picnic, on the gas station grass...happy to have made it to our destination.
My Prize.  
Unfortunately, what you go down, you must come back up.  I was re-thinking the whole walk thing on the way home.  No shade, so no where to stop.  I was picturing myself passing out, & Richard getting a call at work, that his lame-o wife was in the hospital, with a heat stroke or something.  Ha ha.  
I think the heat got to me...I have a case of "the crazy eyes" in this pic.  Ha ha
Well, needless to say...we did make it home(since I am sitting here typing this) & I was very happy to make it here.  I was thinking:  wow, how did people do things in the olden days?  I guess they were more homebound, because most trips would have been a major thing.  I guess these days we make ourselves a little busier then we have to be. But seriously, if I had to walk in one of those long, heavy dresses(like Mrs. Ingalls wore) I wouldn't be a happy camper.   Ok, I won't bore you anymore with my soda blogging or thoughts about the Little House On The Prairie days :)

Yesterday I finished this clay girl.  I was making her for the art fair I am going to work at, but I ended up putting her in my ETSY site.  I really love her colored hair.  I knotted up a bunch of little knot buns of yarn for that.  

She has some fabric wrapped around her & a beaded necklace.  I am calling her Tatum.  Well, that is it on the homefront for now.  Bye!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Happy dance here...I was accepted to work at the Patchwork Festival, this Nov. 27th, in Santa Ana.  Yay! I am excited in my usual Aimie kind of way(that means my stomach is a little nervous).  It is an awesome art fair, with all kinds of handmade lovelys(clothes, art, jewelry, pet stuff, etc.) & some good eats.  Come check it out :)

Now that I know I get to be there, I have to keep my hands busy making things.  I made these things below for the art festival...I still have to put cords on them, so they can be hung.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Halloween's In The House

Hi there.  A few shots with the Halloween decor that is out & about, at our place.  I am trying really hard not to buy more....after all, it is my favorite holiday.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Indy Photo Box

An art collage, with a photo of my daughter, India.  I am loving these wood boxes, I have been getting at my local art can paint, draw, put pictures on, etc.  It doesn't take much to make me happy :) I only wish I had  picked up a couple more, because now I have to make 2 more(for my other kiddos).